Be a part of ClearWater's bold vision to accelerate the scope and pace of local conservation efforts alongside our committed community.
We are building a new home in the heart of the Spring Creek Watershed with offices, gathering spaces, and outdoor demonstration areas where everyone can experience and contribute to conservation efforts relevant to our local region.

A Place to Grow
The Campaign to Connect will also support the development of ClearWater's Community Conservation Center, a working space in the heart of the Spring Creek Watershed where ClearWater and the community can work and learn together to experience and accelerate local conservation efforts. Thank you for your support of the campaign, this new center, and the imperative work it will make possible!

What is the ClearWater Compass?
The ClearWater Compass is the organization's long-term and science-based strategic vision to connect, protect, restore, and steward the region's natural resources.
At the center of the Compass is you, a committed community of individuals working together to ensure the natural beauty, vitality, and resilience of Centre and surrounding counties forever.