Our Native Gardens
ClearWater transitioned the area around our office from the typical landscaping found around most developments and commercial buildings into a garden featuring the benefit of native plants in 2003. Originally the garden was part of demonstration project. It was designed to encourage landowners to employ techniques on their property to improve the quality of the watershed through polluted stormwater runoff, conservation of water, and improvement of wildlife habitat. The garden continues to be a successful example of native planting in urban landscapes, offering an oasis for wildlife and beauty for the community.
Many volunteer hours go into maintaining the grounds, under the leadership of Terry Melton.
Impacts to Our Watershed

Impervious surfaces, such as roads, parking lots, and rooftops, cannot absorb stormwater. Instead, stormwater runs over these surfaces, picking up pollutants. This polluted stormwater is taken by the storm sewer system to the nearest stream. Polluted stormwater runoff is a major source of pollution in our streams, negatively impacting the watershed.
Rising demand for water is depleting our groundwater supplies. We can conserve groundwater by reducing our water use and by encouraging stormwater infiltration through the soil, which recharges the groundwater.
Development results in a loss of wildlife habitat through the removal of vegetation animals need for cover, nesting, food, and migration corridors.

Rain Barrels
Rain barrels disconnect storm water runoff from roofs and also provide a renewable source of water for plants during periods without rain.

Lawn Alternatives
Lawn alternatives preserve biodiversity and reduce the use of fertilizers and other chemical treatments.

Paving Alternatives
Paving alternatives the utilize permeable surfaces like pavers allow for water to infiltrate into the soil instead of flowing directly into surface water streams and waterways.

Native Plants
Using native plants prevents the spread of invasive species that can take over sensitive habitats and provide food, cover, and nesting sites for many native animal species.

Rain Gardens
Rain gardens slow stormwater runoff allowing it to cool down and precipitate sediments while providing attractive landscaping features.

Wildlife Habitat
Providing wildlife with the resources they need, such as water and plants for cover, food, and nesting, not only helps them survive, but also will draw wildlife to your yard for your enjoyment!
Watershed-Wise Techniques
-There are 2 common native plants in this genus- one is beebalm (red) and one is wild bergamot (light purple). Both are in our native plant garden
-Beebalm is also known as Oswego Tea and Bergamot
-Aromatic - Dried leaves and flowers used to make tea
-Grows well in sun or part shade in moist soils
-Good for wildflower meadows, forest edges, back yards, flower beds, riparian (streamside) areas
-Wilts in the heat of summer afternoons but recovers overnight
-It has a square stem, which is indicative of the mint family of which is belongs. Like other mints, it will spread out over time, so give it lots of room if you plant it.
-Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators
(Monarda didyma)