The Lisle Circle
A gift that grows forever
Elsa Lisle loved gardening and the outdoors, and admired the natural beauty of Centre County after moving to the area after college to become a librarian. She was dedicated to protecting Spring Creek and the meadow of wildflowers that grew alongside it — 155 species of plants and flowers — on her property in State College. With a vision to create a large “Ribbon of
Green” through what is now a bustling town, Elsa worked with ClearWater to permanently conserve this special property of hers by finalizing the organization’s first riparian conservation easement in 2004.
Several years later in 2009, Elsa made a significant bequest to the organization, establishing the Lisle Circle. Since then, more than 36 members have followed in Elsa’s generous footsteps by joining the Lisle Circle and making it possible for ClearWater’s programs and projects to amply grow and respond to the many threats to the forests, waterways, and wildlife in our region caused by climate change and a fast-growing region.

Joining the Lisle Circle
Members of ClearWater’s Lisle Circle have made a gift through their will, trust, retirement plan, donor advised fund, or with the gift of land or real estate. These tax-efficient options help ClearWater grow!
Wills or Trusts:
You can make a bequest gift by naming ClearWater Conservancy in your will or trust.
Life Insurance Policies:
You can name ClearWater Conservancy as a beneficiary.
Retirement Plans:
You can name ClearWater Conservancy as a full or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan, thereby avoiding
the income tax liability incurred when most retirement accounts pass to individuals.
Real Estate Property or Development Rights:
in addition to land that can be conserved as nature preserves or conservation easements, ClearWater accepts gifts of all types of
property, including houses and other types of real estate that can be sold to further the organization’s mission.
Thank you for joining thoughtful supporters generously contributing to a resilient region where people and wildlife can grow and thrive.

“We are amazingly lucky to live in a place where we are still able to work on preserving the natural resources of the Spring Creek Watershed. Science has given us the knowledge to understand what needs to be done, and ClearWater is doing those things. I support that as a long-term goal.”
— Terry Melton, Ph.D., Lisle Circle Member and ClearWater Board Member