ClearWater Conservancy's Riparian, Land Conservation, and Centred Outdoors teams do so much great work out in the field with volunteers, students, and community members. Take a look at what everyone's been up to in the full month of April welcoming the beginning of spring!
April 6, 2024 – On April 6th, Penn State Extension led a training for new and returning Streamside Steward volunteers out at the Meyer Dairy buffer. The extension educators included experts in agroforesty, invasive species, and streamside buffer maintenance. The Backyard Stream Repair program provided 20 volunteers with the foundational knowledge on buffer stewardship. Thank you to the volunteers, PSU Extension, Master Watershed Stewards, and ClearWater staff that attended this training!
April 20, 2024 – A group of 50 volunteers out at the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor helped mechanically remove invasive species such as teasel, tree tubes, and trash from the site for Watershed Clean-up Day! The group collected 25 bags in total.
April 23, 2024 – Daisy Girl Scouts earned their Tree Promise badge with the help of ClearWater by planting trees at the Musser Gap buffer. The girls were excited to learn more about the meaning of being stewards. By planting these trees and earning this badge they promise to protect the planet from the effects of climate change one tree at a time.
April 26, 2024 – State High environmental study students completed a stream study along Slab Cabin run where they sampled the stream from the headwaters down to the confluence where the stream enters Spring Creek. With the help of ClearWater, Centre County Conservation District, and Keystone Water Resources the students learned how to identify macroinvertebrates, take samples for dissolved oxygen and pH, as well as collecting stream flow data.